Sunday, November 12, 2006

NaNoWriMo - you should be in the 20k range

I'm so doing this next year. In the meantime, read this article about people who are just throwing caution to the wind and writing a book in a month. While I don't think this is necessarily a way to tackle a screenplay, there is some really great advice (like, make time for you writing every day).

EDIT: I just want to address Brett's comment. Whether you agree with the idea of this or not as aspiring screenwriters, there are some good tips which apply to all kinds of writing. That is what I wanted to highlight from the article.

Link: Writer's Clock -

1 comment:

aggiebrett said...

I know this will annoy some folks who like taking part in NaNoWriMo every year, but IMO the exercise makes no sense for someone who already claims to be striving for some sort of writing career or success. If you are a CPA or an airline pilot or a first grade teacher and not really truly openly chasing a writing career, then the NaNoWriMo thing makes a lot of sense-- it's a low-risk no-pressure way to play dress-up in a sense and give yourelf just a few weeks to call yourself a serious writer.

If, however, you already think of yourself as a writer (novelist, screenwriter, TV hack, whatever), I wonder if NaNoWriMo isn't an easy distraction -- a low-risk no-pressure way to pretend to be a writer rather than actually put in the nasty hardcore work that the job truly requires.

If you take part, by all means have a good time -- I'm not denying the appeal of just writing, of just free-stroking it and churning out pages without a thought in the worlkd about "what is this really FOR?" -- but if you are already an aspiring writer with some degree of connection and ability, NaNoWriMo seems (to me, IMO) like an indulgent waste of precious resources (time, effort, energy, ideas) which would be far far better dedicated to making actual progress in your career.

(and now I'll sit back and get pilloried for being a wet blanket on all the fun...)