Monday, May 21, 2007

100,000 visits, 3 years, 700 posts

I know others do it bigger, faster, better, but somehow I managed to cross this milestone. I don't know whether I have 100 of you to thank 1,000 times each or 10,000 of you to thank 10 times each. However many you are, for what ever reason you landed here, thanks for reading and participating.

With upfronts over, the posting will drop a bit as we head into summer, but that doesn't mean I won't have things to talk about -- my own writing, summer tv shows, summer blockbusters (yes, I do still see films!) and any other random thing pops into my head. I hope you'll stick around and even get involved in the discussion.

Your comments are my favorite part of this blog. Truly.

And obviously for that, I can't do this without you.


Michael said...

Congrats on the milestone. I look forward to reading you everyday and I hope you continue posting. As a spec scribe your blog helps keep me in touch with what's going on. Thanks and keep up the awesome work!

wcdixon said...

Give us more random! (the TV stuff will always be there)