Thursday, May 26, 2005

HOA woes

My primary job (what I get paid for) is as a supervisor for UNNAMED LARGE COMPANY. My second job (currently unpaid) is as a writer. My third job (which I would drop in a heartbeat if allowed) is as the President of my HOA.

Last night there was smoke in the laundry room. Guess who gets their doorbell rung in the middle of the 'Lost' finale...

Yup, yours truly. So I schlep downstairs in my Winnie the Pooh slippers to see what's up. Sure enough, burning rubber smell and light smoke in the air. The VP of the HOA had called 911 so the sirens were whirring in the background as I inspected the room. I think we disappointed the firemen. We had no fire, but certainly a problem with one of the washing machines.

This is just the latest 'crisis' in a series of crises in my condo building (which has 18 units and very strange residents). We have bad pipes, electrical problems, water damage, an old elevator and we are technically broke. And, there are so many elderly residents that they prohibit us from raising the association fees to cover our expenses and needed maintenence. The building is 40 years old and shows it.

It's horrible, but I keep hoping a few will either pass on or move soon so we can actually improve our builidng and stop the unnecessary degrading of our property value.

But we are in a kickass location. I just wish I had an extra parking spot in the garage.

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