Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Coming attractions

I had no idea that I'd get this kind of response regarding my political leanings. However, I am happy to continue the conversation. I should have a pretty lengthy post regarding this topic later tonight. I wish I could have it done sooner, but today is THE BIG DAY at work -- the contract is signed and we are meeting with the new outsourcing company. I'll be in meetings all day.

So check back later tonight or tomorrow for my explanation of my politics and more.

One last note: Act III is almost complete. I have two scenes to go. Of course, this isn't the end. I still have Act IV and the Tag to write. Still, I'm on page 35 and just knowing I only have about 20-25 pages to go is pretty satisifying. Act II was disturbingly short so I had to go back and flesh it out a bit from what I had in my outline, which I had not expected. Fortunately, that little detour didn't really slow me down. It's all good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love to hear more about the politics... As for myself, I always enjoy putting more in than taking more out of a script. Feels good to progess though doesn't it?