Wednesday, October 19, 2005


From Fox News:

DES MOINES, Iowa — Ticket buyers played their kids' birthdays, their wedding anniversaries, even a set of numbers taken straight from the TV show "Lost," in hopes of winning $340 million Wednesday in the second-biggest lottery jackpot in U.S. history.

The Powerball jackpot has been snowballing since mid-August, with 20 straight drawings in which no one won the grand prize. Stores reported heavy sales in all 27 states selling Powerball tickets.

"We're swimming in it today," said Marianne Ward at the Cash & Dash in Little River, S.C. "We've sold more than $2,000 in tickets since 6 a.m."

Mary Neubauer, spokeswoman for the Iowa Lottery, said hundreds of ticket buyers were playing a set of numbers from the ABC drama "Lost," which featured a character who won $156 million by playing a string of digits obtained from a patient in a mental institution: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42.

"I just think it speaks to people's fascination with numbers and the what-if factor," Neubauer said.

The odds of hitting all six numbers were 1 in 146 million.

Now, if the numbers actually win, that would not only be creepy but really wrong. Plus, the winners would get, far less than $156 million each. More like half a mil, max, if that many people are playing the numbers...and if a few more join in, they'll be down to ten bucks.

How much bad luck can you have winning ten bucks??

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